July 8, 2015

There’s No 'I' in Team

I know this may come as a huge shock to some of you, but I'm an only child.  Usually, I forget all about it.  Then there are times like yesterday when everyone is posting pictures all over Facebook for National Siblings Day and other times that I have to do certain things...like share.

There are pros and cons of being an only.  The pros:  getting all the love and attention (and Christmas presents) you desire, being self-sufficient, and being fiercely independent.  The cons:  getting all the love and attention (and Christmas presents) you desire, being self-sufficient, and being fiercely independent.

A Realtor is a great profession for an only child.  Let's think about it.  We get our name and picture splashed all over the place.  We are a one-man-show and are in charge of our own business.  Our success or failure is solely in our own hands.  We can work without anyone telling us what to do...maybe that isn't an only-child thing...maybe that's a Carrie-thing.

About six months ago, I had an epiphany.  What if real estate was a team sport as opposed to a single-player sport?  What if I could do more for my clients with a group of competent people working with me?  What if I sought out the most amazing, strong, intelligent, and driven women I could find?  What if I even, gasp, threw in some other only children?

I did just that.  And O-M-G.  The results are amazing and totally contradictory to the Only Child's Creed.  Sharing is fun. The ideas, advice and suggestions I get from many far surpass what just little ol' me can produce.  Seclusion is boring.  Yes, we all need a little alone-time, but when our group is together, the office becomes alive (and super loud).  Many are greater than one.  What we can do by combining efforts and hard work blows anything that one person can do alone out of the water.  It's fierce.  It's magical.

So I invite you to meet this awesome team who, together, can list or sell a home like nobody's business.  Reinvent the wheel?  Hell ya, Baby!  Many parts make a mighty whole.  Thinking about starting your own group?  Awesome.  Just don't touch this one because this one is mine.

Only is lonely,


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